The wise old physician, hippocrates, rightly said, ‘for the sick the least is the best.’ in contrast, the motto of modern medicine seems to be ‘the most is the best.’ It is common knowledge that in the present system of health care not only are too many drugs prescribed at one time, But also too often. In fact, Indiscriminate use of several life-saving and potent antibiotics has finally relegated them to the status of the ‘not-so-effective’ ones. We are therefore faced with the situation of needing newer and stronger antibiotics for infections which earlier responded to the so labelled ‘not so effective’ antibiotics. The newer generation of antibiotics are not only more toxic but also more expensive. These too, if used indiscriminately, may lose their effectiveness, and in time, even more potent agents may be needed, perhaps even more toxic and expensive. How long this cycle will last is anybody’s guess. With medicines, discretion is more important than adventurism. To use discretion, one has to be knowledgeable. In the enlightened world we live in it is essential that every individual knows the how, why and when of drugs that he and his family are likely to use some day. The purpose of this book is to facilitate effective and non-hazardous drug usage. This book has been designed as a family guide on medicines. It attempts to answer many questions in the mind of the patient and his family, and describes almost all the drugs used for common disorders, their correct use, and the need for medical advice.
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