
Most books on personal or business success start with the theory that you need to understand, digest and then put in into practice. However, this book is different. It bypasses the theory port and straightaway hits the practical road.

This book shows you 101 ways to boost your business. They are simple and easily adaptable in your normal business practice. Go ahead and try them out and you will be amazed to see your business grow, just as you were dreaming to do so for quite some time.

You may be dealing in consumer or industrial products of the services sector; you may be small, medium or large, this book will help you to achieve your dream growth.

The suggestions offered here are all time tested as they have been put to test by all successful companies and have achieved results. Then why can’t they work for you & Regardless of tye type of infrastructure you have, you can still try these ideas and witness the results.

So just pick up a copy. Your investment is worth a million through results.

Kirti C. Desai, MBA from USA, settled in India promoting variety of businesses in Consumer, Industrial and Services sectors for over 30 Years, is currently engaged as a business Consultant guiding entrepreneurs to sail their ship safely through troubled waters. He is a visiting faculty ot many renowned business institutes and entrepreneurship association teaching marketing to would-be enterpreneurs to survive and grow in this competitive economy. His first book, Business Success through Marketing is well received by many in the business circle. Marketing is his profession and passion too; he is a keen follower of business activities around the globe.

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