A comprehensive History of the Yoruba people Up to 1800 is the second aspect of the unfinished works of professor Adebowale Atanda, a renowned Professor of Yoruba history and former Acting Head of the Department of History, University of Ibadan. The first was edited and published in 2006 as a monograph entitled Political System of the Nigerian People Up to 1900
Work on this book started in 1983 when the late professor embarked on a study that would lead to the publication of a comprehensive book on Yoruba history. However, before his death 1996, he was able to write the draft of eight chapters out of an envisaged sixteen chapters. some of the draft were multilated. full of lacunae and uncompleted references which the Editor had to work upon. In spite of these flaws. the Editor was able salvage enough draft for a comprehrnsive reconstruction of the history of the History of the Yoruba People up to. 1800. Eight chapters have been conveniently retrived. In these chapters, Professor Atanda had in a comprehensive manner, thrown much light on the origin of the Yoruba and their socio-political and economic development before the emergence of Oduduwa. In his analysis of the Oduduwa and the golden age of Ife. Professor Atanda showed clearly that the Oduduwa era must not be construed as making the origin of the Yoruba race. their civilisation or the begining of political institution in Ile-Ife,but a period of revolution in Yoruba History . He also examined critically the development leading to the transformation of mini-states into mega-states in Yorubaland outside Ile-Ife, the era of old Oyo empire as well as government, economic and culture in yorubaland up to.1800 AD.
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