Beautiful Ogbanje Agu is destined to torture her parents by her constant coming and going. An oraclist predicts at her birth that Ogbanje can only survive if she marries an Olokun priest. However, Ogbanje’s fat- her, thirsty for Western education, stubbornly sends her to a girl’s college despite her betrothal to an illiterate juju priest. Tension and suspense is reated when Ogbanje runs away from home on her wedding day. With a back- groung of renowned witches in her village, Bebiri, will Ogbanje s vive all dangers and marry the man of her choice?
In this progressive novel, the author exhibits the much needed moral courage and positive artistic vision which make possible the fashioningofa brand new African personality, and a new Africa’ (WestAfrica)
‘Gracy Osifo … tactfully makes use of the reservoir of African and Western culture that has left the African almost confused and in search of a clear-cut cultural identity. In simple language, she tells a story that is so fascinating (National Concord)
Glop –
Great book