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Essential Values And Virtues Universal Godly Qualities For Societal Harmony

SKU: 666


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The Christian virtues as put forward by Paul form the basis of essays published in Essential Valnes and I irtues. Olusegun Obasanjo has pre sented a position on virtues that is religious and practical for yood Iiv ing, The essays are also philosophical to a good extent. The doctrine of the virtues stands as a great discovery in the history of man’s self-un- derstanding in line with the motto of the ancient Academy: Man knon thysel. Moral principles do not vary much over time and culture. They are universal even though blindness to values unfortunately varies with time and culture. Essential Values and Virtues make the point clearly that every virtue or attribute described within is characteristic of God the Father and Christ, God the Seon, and imperatively demanded of Christians as little Christs.

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