Politics, Bureaucracy and Development in Africa brings together the insights gained from about four decades of continuous study of, and reflections on, the relationship between politicians and civil servants that are linked, in varying degrees, to the development process. While four of the eight chapters in the book focus on Guinea, Malawi, Nigeria and Senegal, another four treat the central theme of the book in a comparative perspective, drawing on experiences of some sub-Saharan African countries and some international comparisons, especially the experiences of Britain and France, Furthermore, the book sheds light on the extent to which inherited administrative principles and practices have remained influential in African countries. The book highlights some desirable future directions, including some reform initiatives in both the civil service and the political arena, for enhancing the development performance of African governments. Students of Public Administration/Management, Political Science and Development Studies will find the book both instructive and challenging. It will also be of interest to politicians, civil servants and the general reader. About the Author Ladipo Adamolekun, B.A. (lbadan), M. Phil. (lfe), D. Phil. (Oxon), NNOM, was formerly a Professor of Public Administration at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (1978-1986) and a Management Specialist at the World Bank (1987-2004). He is currently a part-time Professor of Management at the Federal University of Technology, Akure. He is the author and co-author of over twenty books and monographs and numerous academic papers on politics and public administration in Africa. His books include Politics and Administration in Nigeria and Public Administration in Africa: Main lssues and Selected Country Studies.
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