Africa is a rapidly urbanizing continent largely due to increasing rural/urban migration. The rapid growth is without commensurate infrastructure, basic services and employment opportunities. What is the nature of these problems and how do urban residents and institutions respond to them in different contexts? What are the gaps left to be filled by policy makers and other stakeholders? The essays in this volume respond to these questions and a few other strategic issues. In this respect, this publication looks at the issue of “urban crisis” and its management from three tracks: (i) the human security track that underscores the stressful living conditions of many city dwellers in Africa; (ii) the governance track which pertains to how those responsible for managing African cities fail in their duties; and (iii) the relational track that deals with how the urban dwellers in Africa are engaged in different forms of conflicts (violent and non-violent) largely as a result of the stressful conditions of city life. Some policy recommendations are made in the papers. Isaac Olawale Albert is a Professor of African History, Peace and Conflict Studies and the pioneer Director of the Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He was a federal delegate to the 2014 National Conference in Abuja and also served in 2014/2015 as a member of the Presidential Panel for the Review of Nigeria’s Defence Policy. Dr Taibat Lawanson is Associate Professor of Urban Planning at the University of Lagos, Nigeria where she leads the Pro-Poor Development Research Cluster and serves as the co-director of the Centre for Housing and Sustainable Development. She holds a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from the Federal University of Technology, Akure. She has taught courses and conducted research on urban informality, urban management, pro-poor development, governance and environmental justice. She is widely published in all these research areas.
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