
Sickle cell disorder is the most important genetic blood disorder which predominantly affects people of tropical African descent. Until recently, most persons born with sickle cell anaemia (HbSS) did not live to see their second birthday. Several decades of research, however, have unraveled a lot of the mystery surrounding this disorder and many more affected people are living longer, healthier and happier lives.
One of the major objectives of this book is to foster a better understanding of this condition and to help all concerned, especially the affected people, to cope with the disorder.
To ensure that this book is reader-friendly, the authors have avoided the use of medical jargon and unnecessarily complex words or procedures. However, where such terms were unavoidable, clear explanations are provided. Numerous topics ranging from malaria to air travel, as well as issues concerning marriage and genetic counselling are treated in a simple and straightforward manner.
As much as possible the authors have pointed out what can be done medically to assist people living with sickle cell disorder, including the proven effective medicines on the market and new medical procedures such as stem cell replacement and gene therapy
How to Live with Sickle Cell Disorder will benefit people living with this inherited disorder, their families, friends, co-workers and healthcare providers.

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