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Up And On The Autobiography of Olajide olaolu Adedapo Ajayi


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…a man of impenetrable discretion, splendidly outspoken, of extreme integrity and of lucid elegance and incisive mind.

Professor B. O. Osuntokun Chief Medical Director, UCH, (1985-90) Recommendation for National Honours. 8″ July 1987

The innovative skill and creativity of this surgeon extends to medical education and administration. He is widely admired and respected…a surgical renaissance man with an international presence…

Professor LaSalle D. Leffall Jnr, Past President, American College of Surgeons Citation on the conferment of the Honorary Fellowship of the College on the first black African Surgeon, Chicago, USA 16″ October, 1997.

In this manner, prudent management of resources has led to the accumulation of sizeable internally generated funds, now a handsome percentage of total funds available to the Institution for judicious disbursement. This strategy is not novel, but its elegant actualization has been sourced by talent and astuteness combined in the somatotype of a scion of an ethnic group noted for prudent and Spartan husbanding of funds. ……. In any event he appears by his performance to have out-Bamakoed Bamako.

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