Augustus. Bandele Oyediran A Life Lived for Others is a concise story of a straightforward man, who achieved great things ith, apparently, ittie fuss. AB’s disciplined and principled life, which was dedicated to his fanily, friends, church, cormmunity and Country reminds one of the things that matter most in life. The book shows that although AB lived a relatively short lffe, he livedit well.
As with most good biographies, the book goes beyond narrating the ventsof a life. It gives an insight into the history and substance of AB’sCularal heritage as a Yoruba man, of Offa/Tiemona extraction. The book paintss a picture of the socio-political fandscape of the era in which he lived.
All students of the history and culture of the Yoruba, and of Nigeria’s early educational and diplomatic development, eill benefitfrom the details outined in this biography.
AB Oyediran is probably best renembered for His role as a teacher and principal at Methodist Boys High School where he worked for more than 20 years and impacted so positively on the lives of his studerits that Chief L.A. Sofenwa wrote:
Oyediran’s role, influence and achievements as an educator were so pervaSive ond enduring that he himself cOuld not have appreciated the extent both in depth on individual students and in length and bread th on generations of boys and through them to the country at large. Suuch is the influence of a great teacher on youUng and impressible adolescents.
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