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Footprints On Marble: Murtala H. Nyako By Dan Agbese

Author: Dan Agbese
SKU: 199


9 in stock


This is yet, another master piece from the master of prose, Dan Agbese. Footprints on Marble chronicles the story of one of Nigeria’s finest political gladiator. The book examines the life and work of a man who rose from a school boy to heading the Nigerian Navy, as Chief of Naval Staff, and Deputy Chief of Defence Staff. He was the pioneer military governor Niger State and a two-term governor of Adamawa State.

In a way, the book tells the story of the growth and development of the Nigerian Navy as well as military and civil politics through their interconnectedness with the life story of Admiral Nyako. His life and work were devoted to building and improving the Nigerian Navy and the quality of life of his people at the national and state levels. Many of the challenges he faced and addressed in the places he served are still prevalent in the country. Without doubt, this book will be of great interest and relevance to a wide range of audience in the country. It is a significant contribution in helping us to understand the history of the navy,
military and civil politics and, governance in Nigeria.

Umaru A. Pate
Professor of Media and Society
The Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies,
Bayero University, Kano

Footprint on Marble, the biography of Vice Admiral Murtala Nyako, is the story of a true officer and gentleman whose distinguished military life transited to a sterling political life. It is a huge paradox that a consummate military officer who rose to the top of his career in Nigeria Navy, but also a man who abhors politics and politicians finds himself coopted into the ever chaotic and treacherous brand of politics in Nigeria. But like a true and tested officer, he uses his military skills to navigate the rough political seas of his country’s politics.
Author Dan Agbese brings this journey to life, in full flow, in this remarkable book full of military and political intrigue, and the single mindedness of Admiral Nyako for military and political legacy achievements.

Soji Akinrinade

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