How to Become a Published Writer, written primarily for the African environment, lends a helping hand to aspiring fiction and non-fiction writers, to assist them to become published writers. The established writer to compare notes, persons wishing to write good prose, students of literature and dreative writing, and the general reader wishing to gain an insight into the creative process, will also find the book immensely helpful. Its informal and conversational style
enables the author to share his experience as a writer direct with the reader; first on how to write good prose, followed by how to write fiction and non- fiction. It also offers advice on getting published and the peculiar problems of the writer himself.
Chukwuemeka Ike has written nine novels, and two non-fiction, books, jointly editing a third. He taught creative writing at the University. He had earlier taught at the primary and secondary school levels.
Professor Ike held top positions in the University system, and served for nine years as the Registrar and Chief Executive of the multinational West African Examinations Council. He is a non-executive Director of a publishing company, and in 1990 was appointed a member of the Governing Board of the Nigerian Copyright Council. He was in the same year appointed Pro-Chancellor of the University of Benin. Professor Ike has participated in the International Writing Programme of the University of Iowa, and is an Honorary Fellow in Writing of that University.
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