LEOPOLD SEDAR SENGHOR, born in 1906, was educated lycees in Dakar and Paris and at the Sorbonne. He taugnt in France: enlisted at the outbreak of war in Europe, and was taken prisoner by the German.In the year after liberation he become a deputy in the Assemblée Nationale. He led a group:of politicians who obtained the independernce of the French African colonies. His name is closely associated with the growth of he concept of négritude and he compiled the Anthologie de la nouvelle poésie negre et malgache (1948). His volumes of poetry are Chants d’ombre (1945); Hosties Nories(1984); Chants pour Naett (1949); Ethiopiques(1956)
and Nocturnes (1961).
Nocturness he only book ef verse that Senghor has published since he became President of Senega! after his country’s independence in 1960 Seghor’s poetry was associated with Africa’s struggle for indapendence; it is perhaps logical that this volume seems to have marked the end of his career as a poet.Songs fo Signare are the eloquent love poems of a man who was once uncertain of his place in the world. The Elegies are the easy, rhetorical, self-assured poems of the leader and the man who has reached his goal.
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