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The Thirteenth Sun

SKU: 334


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DANIACHEW WORKU is already well-known for his writing in Amharic. He has published four plays, a novel,short stories and poetry in Ethiopia. He was born in 1936. After training as a teacher he studied at the University College of Addis Ababa and the University of lowa. He has taught in schools and at Addis Ababa University.

A young radical is unwillingly taking his dying nobleman father on a pilgrimage to an Ethiopian shrine bya moutain lake. The journey is not just a search for a cure but also a last attempt to heal the breach between age and youth in this family. This relationship is set against the background of the conflict between the ancient Christianity of Ethiopia and the superstition of the people. The young man and his half sister are dran together by an ideal of freedom, but this imagined incest drives him towards another girl. This deeply symbolic novel evokes the rich contrasts of present-day Ethiopia. Like Faulkner, Daniachew Worku is a poetic novelist who
evokes in brilliant images the life of his country.


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