
Along with its companion, The Jonathan Presidency: The First Year, this volunme offers the most authoritative treatment yet of the Goodiuck Jonathan Presidency in the context of the troubled history, government, politics, society and cconomy of Nigeria’s Fourth Republie. With contributions that reflect the country’s diversities from long-cstablished and new voices from Nigeria’s intellectual community, the book’s strength lies in the depth of its analyses, the richness and currency of its data, and the breadth of the vision shared by its contributors and editors for a functional and perceptive presideney as catalyst in the search for a future secure in democracy, development, peace and justice. It is recommended for students, academics, politicians, the policy community. journalists and all others interested in that troubled but blessed country called Nigeria. .

Professor Adigun Agbaje,

Political Scientist, Department of Political Science, University of lbadan.

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