
It is never too late to take a new direction and move boldly towards a new destination!
It is never too late to square your shoulders and meet the challenge head on!
It is never too late to fight back and achieve success!

The World’s Greatest Comebacks will give you right steps to begin and achieve your comeback. First, you’ll prepare by focusing on your individual situation and mapping out a strategy for success. Next, you will repair your attitude by learning to eliminate fear, guilt, and negative feelings that may stand in your way. And finally, you’ll set a course to care by acquiring the attributes necessary for a successful comeback.

En route to your comeback, you’ll be boosted by true stories from the world of business, academics, medicine, performing arts, sports and entertainment. Read about everyday heroes who saw their problems as opportunities and celebrated their situations! The comebacks are not necessarily physical; instead they may be spiritual or mental. In times of despair, they have found hope. In times of grief, their tears have watered the seeds of deep inner joy and happiness. Through their pain, they made a declaration inspiring and uplifting to all. The people in this book have discovered that it is possible to turn losing situations around.

Choose to recognize your setback as a springboard to your comeback by applying timeless formula for a positive beginning!

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