Yorùbá Proverbs with Feminine Lexis is a choice collection of
Yorùbá words of wisdom on a wide spectrum of issues revolving round a woman’s life. This compilation is a storehouse of wisdom relevant to women’s values and virtues, essential for building wholesome lives within their world.
The book contains over six hundred Yorùbá proverbs with accurate English translations, carefully arranged under different topics for easy reading and reference. This book is a treasure of information for students of Linguistics, Yorùbá Language, speech writers, researchers in African languages, all women and the general public.
Janet Qláídé Sheba (PhD) is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of African Languages at the Obáfémi Awólówo University, Ile-Ifè, Nigeria, where she has been teaching Yorùbá Literature (oral and written), Stylistics and Theory since 1985. She has published extensively in many national and international academic journals on issues in Yorùbá Literature and women studies. She is the author of the critical book -Isètófábo Ninú Isé Awon Onkowékunrin Yorùbá(Womanism in the Works of Yoruba Male Writers) published by The Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS) Plumstead, Cape Town, South Africa (2000). Of recent, she has developed a special interest in paremiology and paremiography. Dr Sheba is currently the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Obáfémi Awólówo University, Ile-Ifè.
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