
The book, CLASH OF INTERESTS by renowned journalist, Sheddy Ozoene, is a treasured document for all seasons; a table shaker any day. Unveiled just six months ago, it has proved to be the most definitive account of Enugu State politics of the past 30 years. The more one reflects on the unfolding political events of today and the projections into 2023, the more one is able to analyse them against what has become a recurring phenomenon as established in the book.

The book details the rise of godfatherism and how the keen contests for political power have been conducted along less-than-altruistic interests and the consequences on internal democracy and good governance.

It is not fiction, but a well-researched book that took five long years to write. Although it focuses on the state’s political history from the days of the old Anambra state, those of us who are not from Enugu will find something in it to enrich their knowledge.

The book details the series of political contests starting from the Onoh vs Nwobodo governorship battles of 1979 and 1983 in the old Anambra State. It reflects on how both men introduced godfatherism in Enugu state by carrying their rivalry into subsequent governorship contests. The godsons they annointed eventually turned godfathers who annointed other godsons who also became godfathers, et cetera

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