As a Nigorian Catholic Priest, soclalized in both the internal and external systems, [Dr. Enwerem] brought his experience as an insider to bear on this book [which] is a brave attempt to uncover whatmarny priest-scholars may regard as untouchable.
Onigu Otite, Ph.D (London) Emeritus ProfessOr of Sociology, University of lbadan
This book lama Catholic and seriously practice my faith… brings hope to the many Catholics who want a body of Christ in which truth, openness, and justice prevail.
AnthonyC. Ikwueme School of Law, Liberty University Lynchburg, VA, USA
This is a very important book. Enwerem raises serious questions that the Catholic Church needs to address if it is to have the moral authority to challernge Nigeria’s political elite.
Professor Paul Gifford Emeritus Professor of African Christianity School of Oriental and African Studies London
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