
Adventures In Power Book One My March Through Prison is the first book of three under the general title, Adventures in Power, by Chief Obafemi Awolowo. It provides a comprehensive historical account of Nigeria’s most celebrated and longest-running political trial the Treasonable Felony Trial in which the author was the central figure of the 31 accused persons. But it is much more than the story of that trial for, with his personal involvement, the author is able to take us both behind the scenes of the trial and to look beyond it at its effects. P My March Through Prison is detailed and refreshingly factual and informative. It is compulsive reading for all. No doubt it will generate a vigorous public debate. It is to be followed by Travails of Democracy and The Rule of Law 1Book Two) and For the Good of the People (Book Three). The Author Chief Obafemi Awolowo, now 76, has, both in and out of government, operated at the centre of Nigeria’s political stage since 1937. He was Leader of Government Business and later Premier of Westem Nigeria from 1952 to 1959 and then Leader of the Opposition in the Federal Parliament from 1959 to 1963, when he was jailed for ten years. He was pardoned by General Yakubu Gowon in whose government he served as Vice-Chairman of the Federal Executive Council and Finance Commissioner from 1967 to 1971. During the Second Republic of 1979 to 1983, he was National President of the Unity Party of Nigeria (U.P.N.) which was in government in 5 of Nigeria’s 19 states. Barrister, solicitor and prolific author, his works include: Path to Nigerian Freedom (1947); Awn, an autobiography (1960): Thoughts on Nigerian Constitution (1966); The People’s Republic (1968) and Strategy and Tactics of the People’s Republic of Nigeria (1970).

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